Frequently Asked Questions


  • Is the AQP one day or two?
  • The AQP is a 12 hour event that starts at 10 AM CDST Saturday morning and ends at 10PM CDST Saturday evening. Because most amateurs are use to working with Universal Time (ZULU Time) then it may appears that it is two days, but really it is just 12 hours on Saturday.
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  • What are the best counties for Mobile operation?
  • Actually this changes every year. But generally, those counties that have Interstate and Primary highways generally get the most attention from the Mobile stations, because these highways allow the mobiles to reach the most counties in the shortest period of time. However, those counties that lie in the "not so beaten path" and have the fewest number of local participants often will generate the most interest from those outside of Alabama.
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  • What is the object/purpose of the AQP?
  • Those stations in Alabama should work as many stations as they can worldwide. This includes Alabama stations, US states, Canadian Provinces and DX. Stations outside of Alabama will be trying to work as many Alabama stations and Alabama Counties as they can on different bands/mode.
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  • What are the suggested operating frequencies?
  • Look at the Rules and paragraph 8 gives a pretty good rundown of the suggested operating frequencies and those frequencies that should be avoided.
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  • What is the best county to operate from?
  • It's difficult to predict which county would be "best" to operate from.  We suggest that you take a look at the Records, Alabama County Link.  Those counties with the lowest "Records" are a good choice if you wish to operate from a rare county!
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  • What logging program should I use?
  • There are a multitude of logging programs, but really any program that will support and output the Cabrillo formatted will be satisfactory. Be sure that the appropriate exchange information is properly reported in your log.
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